Read this article in French

This summer, we want to celebrate volunteers in the region who are involved in the fostering vitality and inclusion of the Francophone community. Several volunteer portraits will be published across our website and social media channels to honour these distinguished volunteers.

Francophonie Calgary (FC) : Can you tell us about the Francophone volunteer experiences you’ve participated in, currently and in the past?

Stevens Rancourt (SR): The Francophone Games of Alberta, Canadian Games, C.A of the French Canadian Association of Alberta, Camp Soleil (in Edmonton)

FC: How long have you been involved with the Francophone community in the region?

SR: Since 2001 in both Calgary and Edmonton.

FC: What motivates you to volunteer with the Francophone community?

SR: My passion for language and community life in French.

FC: How has COVID-19 impacted the way you are able to volunteer?

SR: COVID-19 has more or less had a direct effect on my volunteer activities. Many meetings and activities have been done virtually.

FC: What are your hopes for the future of the Francophone community in the region in terms of future activities and engagements?

SR: Better government support and increased promotion of activities in schools and organizations. There’s a lack of follow up and resources for the Francophone community in Calgary.

FC: Any words of encouragement for those who are maybe scared or indecisive about whether to get involved as a volunteer in the Francophone community?

SR: You need to believe in the cause! Getting involved in the community will take your ideas and strengths to a new place. It is essential to favour plurality and openness of the world.

This article was originally published in French and has been translated and edited for length and clarity.